Falkirk Council Agenda - 12 December 2024, 10:15 
A meeting to be held at Grangemouth Community Education Unit, 69-71 Abbots Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8JB at 10:15 on 12 December 2024.
Number | Item |
Record of Votes View Papers | |
Motions and Amendments View Papers | |
In accordance with section 43 of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Provost has directed that this meeting will be conducted in such a manner as to allow remote attendance by elected members. The meeting will be livestreamed via the Council website at:- https://www.falkirk.gov.uk/live | |
1 | Sederunt |
2 | Declarations of Interest Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest. |
3 | Minute Minute of Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 3 October 2024. View Papers |
4 | Rolling Action Log View Papers |
5 | Local Government By-election: Ward 7 - Falkirk South Report by the Returning Officer. View Papers |
6 | Education Service Redesign (Learning Week) Proposal Update Report Report by the Director of Education. Deputation Requests An application has been made by Declan McGavin, Scottish Youth Parliament, to be received as a deputation to be heard in respect of this item of business. An application has been made by Liane Tait, to be received as a deputation to be heard in respect of this item of business. An application has been made by Gemma Ferrie, Falkirk Champs, to be received as a deputation to be heard in respect of this item of business. View Papers |
7 | Falkirk IJB Draft Business Case and Health and Social Care Partnership Update Report by the Chief Officer, Health and Social Care Partnership. View Papers |
8 | Annual Report of the Chief Social Work Officer 2023/24 Report by the Chief Social Work Officer. Note - Standing Order 20.15 applies to this agenda item View Papers |
9 | Standards Commission for Scotland - Findings Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services. View Papers |
10 | Referral from Executive - Treasury Management Interim Review 2024/25 Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services. View Papers |
11 | Minute Volume and Information Bulletin |
(a) | Volume of Minutes - Volume 2 2024/25, and View Papers |
(b) | Information Bulletin - Volume 2 2024/25. View Papers |
12 | MOTIONS SUBMITTED UNDER STANDING ORDER 29 Three motions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 29 are set out below. Motions that refer to matters within the remit of the Executive, will stand referred to the appropriate body, without discussion, unless:- (1) special circumstances exist which, in opinion of the Provost (having consulted with the Council Leader and the Leader of the main Opposition groups) requires an exception to be made; (2) two thirds of the members present vote in favour of the matter being discussed; or (3) the motion raises an issue with significant impact on the Council area which the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leaders of the main Opposition groups, considers suitable for debate at Council. The following motion stands referred to the Executive unless otherwise determined by the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leaders of the main Opposition groups:- Bonnybridge Railway Station That officers bring a full updated report to Council regarding this long term proposal supported for over 25 years by all members and that the members will decide on whether the support is still there once members have had an opportunity to assess all the information available and also to discuss the possibility of a public consultation. Proposed by Baillie Buchanan |
(a) | The following motions are reserved to Council:- National Insurance Contributions Falkirk Council calls on the UK Chancellor and the Labour UK Government to fully reimburse over £500m costs of Employer National Insurance contributions to the public and third sectors in Scotland which will be incurred as a result of their decision to raise these within the UK Autumn Statement; recognises the critical and irreplaceable role these sectors play in delivering vital front line services in supporting individuals, including our most vulnerable citizens, and our communities; urges that this must include full funding for Falkirk Council and every Scottish local authority; recognising that if the Chancellor does not fully reimburse these costs that it will have an detrimental impact on the services the people of Scotland rely on and risks the livelihoods of staff across sectors, including a cost here in Falkirk of up to £8m' Proposed by Councillor Meiklejohn Voting Rights of Religious Representatives on the Executive Council: 1. Acknowledges that The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 requires Scottish local authorities to appoint religious representatives to their education committees; 2. Notes that in Falkirk religious representatives are also joined on the Executive, where it is considering Education functions, by other non-elected members, including Parent, Teacher, School Pupil and Care Experienced representatives; 3. Welcomes the diversity of views and contributions which external representatives are able to input through their participation in committee proceedings; 4. Further notes that unique among the external representatives, it is only the religious representatives who have the right to vote on agenda items, or to move or second any motions; 5. Further acknowledges that a number of Scottish councils have removed the voting rights of religious representatives on their education committees in recent years; 6. Accepts that there have been many changes to the democratic structures of local authorities, the national relationship between church and state and the demographic make-up of Falkirk's citizens in the 50 years since the above legislation was introduced; and 7. Instructs officers to bring forward a report examining the issues around this topic, to include consideration of options to remove voting rights from religious representatives. Proposed by Councillor Murtagh |