Licensing Board Agenda - 11 December 2024, 10:00 
A meeting to be held at Grangemouth Community Education Unit, 69-71 Abbots Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8JB at 10:00 on 11 December 2024.
Number | Item |
1 | Determination of Form of Hearings To determine the form of any hearing that is to be held in accordance with section 133A, of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. |
2 | Apologies |
3 | Declarations of Interest Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest. |
4 | Minute Minute of Meeting of the Licensing Board held on 20 November 2024. View Papers |
5 | OCCASIONAL LICENCE APPLICATIONS The Rock Bottom, Unit 5, The Arcade, Falkirk |
6 | APPLICATION FOR THE PROVISIONAL GRANT OF A LICENCE Falkirk Morrisons Service Station, Hope Street, Falkirk |
7 | APPLICATION FOR NON-MINOR VARIATIONS TO PREMISES LICENCE R K Foodstore, 120 Haugh Street, Bainsford, Falkirk |
8 | Premises Licence Review Proposals - Continuation Report by Clerk to the Licensing Board. |