Submission History: Motion submitted under Standing Order 29
School Uniforms
(1) Welcomes the Scottish Government's recent publication of national guidance on School Uniform Policy;
(2) Particularly aligns itself with the values at the heart of the guidance, which include a focus on: Affordability; Sustainability; and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion;
(3) Notes with approval the emphasis which the guidance places on removing barriers to participation and that pupils' comfort, happiness and freedom to learn, should be at the heart of school uniform policy;
(4) Encourages all schools within Falkirk district to engage in early consultation with parents, pupils and other stakeholders, on ways to reflect these new guidelines in their updates to school uniform policy;
(5) Further expects that the spirit of the guidance be taken forward from this time onwards in respect to attitudes to enforcement and discipline within schools prior to any formal changes to future specification of uniform being put in place;
(6) Further notes the specific detail within the guidance which states that there should be no compulsory branded items required within school uniform policy, including Blazers and that these should not be promoted or encouraged by schools;
(7) Further welcomes the measures outlined in relation to the need for flexibility in uniform policy due to the changeable Scottish climate and that pupils may have a variety of needs which means a one size approach does not fit all;
(8) Further encourages all Falkirk schools to ensure that their school uniform policy supports pupils to be safely, comfortably and practically dressed, whether within school buildings, when engaged in play or outdoor learning, or when travelling to and from school, especially through active travel;
(9) Affirms its belief that while there remains no legal requirement for pupils to attend school in School Uniform, an affordable, sustainable and practical uniform specification has benefits for the efficient running of schools, pupils' wellbeing and family life alike;
(10) Considers that these positive factors continue to make observance of uniform a desirable aspect of school life; and
(11) Asks that an update on this matter be provided to members within one calendar year of this motion being adopted.
Proposed by Councillor Murtagh 
This is the history for the submission "Motion submitted under Standing Order 29 School Uniforms Executive:- (1) Welcomes the Scottish Government's recent publication of national guidance on School Uniform Policy; (2) Particularly aligns itself with the values at the heart of the guidance, which include a focus on: Affordability; Sustainability; and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion; (3) Notes with approval the emphasis which the guidance places on removing barriers to participation and that pupils' comfort, happiness and freedom to learn, should be at the heart of school uniform policy; (4) Encourages all schools within Falkirk district to engage in early consultation with parents, pupils and other stakeholders, on ways to reflect these new guidelines in their updates to school uniform policy; (5) Further expects that the spirit of the guidance be taken forward from this time onwards in respect to attitudes to enforcement and discipline within schools prior to any formal changes to future specification of uniform being put in place; (6) Further notes the specific detail within the guidance which states that there should be no compulsory branded items required within school uniform policy, including Blazers and that these should not be promoted or encouraged by schools; (7) Further welcomes the measures outlined in relation to the need for flexibility in uniform policy due to the changeable Scottish climate and that pupils may have a variety of needs which means a one size approach does not fit all; (8) Further encourages all Falkirk schools to ensure that their school uniform policy supports pupils to be safely, comfortably and practically dressed, whether within school buildings, when engaged in play or outdoor learning, or when travelling to and from school, especially through active travel; (9) Affirms its belief that while there remains no legal requirement for pupils to attend school in School Uniform, an affordable, sustainable and practical uniform specification has benefits for the efficient running of schools, pupils' wellbeing and family life alike; (10) Considers that these positive factors continue to make observance of uniform a desirable aspect of school life; and (11) Asks that an update on this matter be provided to members within one calendar year of this motion being adopted. Proposed by Councillor Murtagh".
It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.
Committee | Meeting | View Agenda |
Executive (including Education) | 07/11/2024 | Click here |